Plants growing on a pile of coins.

Responsible innovation and emerging technologies


Innovation is a key part of modern society. On one side, actors around the world are working to turn scientific discoveries into new products and tools; in reverse, it is clear that we need innovative solutions to the key challenges of our time. But it is also clear that many new technologies and developments have been developed (and are being developed) with little understanding or engagement with the diverse needs of society. 

This research theme explores key concepts in Responsible Innovation looking at what directions innovation should take and how it might be guided, and how can technological, socio-cultural, ethical and economic systems can be co-designed to structure transformative pathways in response to crisis.  

There are several pieces connected to this theme including the Responsible Innovation Lab, Science and Technology Studies (STS), and Science and Society Collaboratory. 



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The project will surface congruences and incongruences in role constructions, and how scientists and judges navigate differences in their expected and actual tasks in legal proceedings.


  • Dr Will Grant
  • Professor Joan Leach

For more information about this project please contact

This research aims to explore how hydraulic infrastructure is represented on banknotes across various countries and time periods.

Student intake

Open for PhD students



Academic staff

Headshot of a woman with a hijab.



Headshot of an Asian woman with a pink and orange background.

PhD Researcher


Aerial photo of Canberra with a logo of SB and together depicting SyntheticBiology Network

For the first time since the Initiative was established, ANU researchers were brought together on November 27 for the full-day ANU Engineering Biology Symposium.

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Blue slide with bubbles randomly scattered on the outside of the image. White text in the middle reads 'UNESCO International Roadshow'

UNESCO Chair is participating at a number of events through the end of the 2023 year.

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Cover photo with goal and white text, "Meet the team" with a white logo of CPAS.

Meet the newest member of the CPAS team, Dr Alaa Barhoum!

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Abstract futuristic eye.

How to start to address not just health disparities experienced by racial minorities but also issues of inclusivity, diversity, and representation in science communication.

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Pink and Blue smoke with black background and text that reads Top 5: The search for Australia's emerging thinkers and communicators

Dr Ehsan Nabavi ensures that technologies shaping people's everyday lives are responsible.

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