PhD Researcher Xiao Han Drummond

Doctor of Philosophy & Master of Philosophy


A PhD or research Masters degree (MPhil) is an essential pathway for students pursuing an academic career that seeks to explore and enrich the relationship between science and society. A PhD or MPhil at CPAS can provide a significant stepping stone to areas of employment, such as science communication, communication analysis, policy development, or industry.

Key facts

  • Bachelor degree required
  • Semester 1 & 2 intake
  • #1 in Australia for graduate employability (Times Higher Education)

Program details

Here at CPAS, we invite applications from suitably qualified candidates (details below) who are interested in undertaking a MPhil or PhD in science communication and research that seeks to explore and enrich the relationship between science and society. Examples of research topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Climate change and energy communication, energy transition
  • Data infrastructures for environmental decision making
  • Ethics of science communication
  • Health promotion/health communication
  • Imagining the future of science and technology
  • Informal science learning (including science centres, science shows, hands-on learning)
  • Innovation, technology and the economy
  • Knowledge and transformative change for sustainability
  • Machine Learning and AI for Science and Health Communication
  • Misinformation and disinformation in science
  • Responsible innovation
  • Science and Humour
  • Science communication and (Popular) Art and Aesthetics
  • Science communication and international development
  • Science communication and public intellectualism
  • Science communication for advocacy/activism
  • Science in Popular Culture/Cultural Meanings of Science in Popular Entertainment and Performance
  • Science policy advice mechanisms and public reasoning

See the list of CPAS academics to identify a potential supervisor whose research interests align with yours. Note that not all academics may have capacity to take on new supervisees.


Admission to a Doctor of Philosophy degree at ANU requires:

  1. An Australian Bachelor degree with at least Second Class Honours - Upper (First Class Honours is often required) or its international equivalent, or
  2. Another degree with a significant research/thesis component that may be assessed as equivalent to paragraph (1), or
  3. A combination of qualifications, research publications and/or professional experience related to the field of study that may be assessed as equivalent to paragraph (1).

Further information relating to eligibility and the degree structure can be found on the PhD or MPhil pages

Application Process

To submit an expression of interest in the CPAS PhD/MPhil programs:

  1. Fill out and submit this inquiry form  to
  2. CPAS’s HDR Convenor will then contact you. They may request that you submit additional information and also draft a research proposal. Your draft proposal should be max 2000 words and include the following sections:
    • Working title
    • Summary of proposed project: max 200 words.
    • Background to the research: a fully referenced discussion of the gap or problem your research seeks to address.
    • Project aim: a detailed argument, based on sound research principles and literature, for what you aim to achieve in your research project to address that gap or problem. Include any draft research questions here.
    • Proposed methods: Explain the kinds of methods you propose to use to undertake the project. Give an indication of any travel or other costs that you anticipate may be required.
    • Originality statement: Briefly summarise, with references, what is original about the proposed project, and how it fits with existing published studies from relevant fields.
    • References:  Formatted using any recognised referencing system.
      • Please note that if you wish to be considered for an ANU PhD scholarship, you must submit the package of documents to CPAS at least one month before the scholarship deadline.
      • If you do not wish to be considered for a scholarship, you should submit the package of documents to CPAS at least 6 months before your intended start date.
      • The HDR convenor and your potential CPAS supervisor may meet with you or email you to discuss your draft proposal and suggest revisions. The HDR convenor will let you know when your draft proposal is ready to proceed to the next step.
  3. Email your proposal, CV and inquiry form to

Once CPAS receives your package of documents, allow up to two months to be advised of the outcome. If your expression of interest is approved, you may then proceed to submit your full application to the University by clicking on the “Apply” button on the PhD or MPhil pages

Note that approval of your expression of interest by CPAS does not guarantee an offer of admission to the University nor a scholarship. 

Learning experience

Book cover

CPAS PhD Graduate Elizabeth Tynan launches book "Atomic Thunder" based on thesis

Dr Elizabeth Tynan who graduated in 2011 from ANU with a PhD in science communication has turned her PhD thesis into a book entitled Atomic Thunder The Maralinga Story.

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Tangyao Zhang

When science is hard to swallow

“I think that CPAS is the world leading institute for science communication and the best thing about ANU is that I can have multiple supervisors.”

Read the story
A seminar

Hearing from our research students

SCOMaganza was a day of exciting new research coming from the CPAS community, with in-progress and final presentations throughout the day on science education, risk communication, public policy initiatives and more. 

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Fees & scholarships


Please visit the Programs and Courses website for information about fees.

View fees


Whether you are looking for financial support to start your studies at ANU or help to move away from home for the first time, we have scholarship opportunities for you and your situation.


Need more information?

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