We're on the road!

Publication date
Monday, 25 Sep 2023

Exciting News! Our UNESCO Chair-holder will be participating in a number of events through to the end of the year around the globe! 

Events on the Horizon:

     5-6 Oct - ISC Global Knowledge Dialogue for Asia and the Pacific region (Kuala Lumpur,  Malaysia)

     24-26 Oct - Earth System Governance Conference (Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands where Dr Astuti & Professor Raman will present on "Nickel-powered batteries: Indonesia’s energy transition imaginaries and (ir)responsible decarbonisation")

     30 Oct-1 Nov – University of Sheffield Department of Sociological Studies, Visiting International Fellowship (Sheffield, UK)

     7-12 Nov - 4S Conference Inc (Honolulu, Hawaii USA where Dr Astuti & Professor Raman will present on "Engaging STS to render visible socio-environmental injustices of nickel mining for electric vehicle batteries in Indonesia")

Chair-holder Professor Raman is speaking in Kuala Lumpur and at Sheffield about how we might collectively build meaningful ways of bridging scientific and societal narratives and scholarship around sustainability transformations. Research Fellow Dr Astuti is speaking at the ESG and 4S conferences about untangling the socio-environmental impacts of unjust energy transitions and the implications for building responsible approaches to decarbonisation.

On this roadshow, be sure to connect with Sujatha and Rini! Through a series of engaging events, panels, and community initiatives, the Chair aims to:

  1. Elicit and specify what public good means in various settings
  2. Initiate and co-develop a platform for meaningful research, knowledge exchange and collaboration in science communication for the SDGs.
  3. Translate research insights from science communication for developing inclusive knowledge cultures within universities and at the science/policy and science/civil society interface.
  4. Connect diverse forms of knowledge about environment, equity and prosperity for transformative change.

We invite you all to join us on these conversations! Whether you're a student, a faculty member, a community member, or simply someone who shares our vision, your support and participation are very welcome.

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming events and initiatives, including our 2024 International Meeting!