Professional short courses & workshops

CPAS staff regularly run science communication short courses.

Whether would like to add value to your science, learn how to simply explain your research, be more relaxed during your public presentations or simply hone your communication skills, attend a CPAS short course.

Scheduled courses

Media concept with TV screens 3d

What is happening with science communication on the web? This intensive course explores the weird wild west of social media and science communication

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Stack of papers with paper clips

Scientists around the world consistently list achieving tangible impacts on policy and practice as a core career goal. This course provides the theory and the practical knowledge, skills and tools that are needed to operate more effectively at the science-policy interface.

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In this course, you’ll come up with a novel program idea, trial it, and report on your trial. This course is about creating your own original science communication project.

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A black and white photo

Films, television shows, novels, computer games and other forms of fiction can be a great way to communicate science, engage audiences with science and even to teach science creatively in the classroom. But how can we do this without mixing up fact and fiction?

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Landscape view of Canberra mountain, lake and city.

A graduate course co-convened by the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS) and the Crawford School of Public Policy

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A lit lightbulb lighting up the chalkboard covered in science communication lingo and drawings.

Strategies in science communication is an ANU accredited short course specifically designed to equip science communicators with the professional skills needed to do this well.

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On demand workshop

An illustration of social networks

Why use the different media channels? To what end? What are the theoretical underpinnings of best practice, and how can it be incorporated into your strategies?

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A medical workshop

This workshop uses improvisation techniques developed in the theatre to help those who need to communicate become more spontaneous, direct, personal and responsive.

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Workshop: Science communication for ANU staff & students

Today, more than ever before, scientists are required to communicate their research to industry, government, the media and the public.

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Strategic consultation workshop

Are you struggling to translate the goals of your organisation into a strategic plan of communication and tactical communication products?

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A sign reads "I can be persuaded by a logical argument"

This workshop is designed to introduce the latest research into effective persuasive and strategic communication in the context of science.

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A text reads "Once upon a time"

This workshop will show you how to turn your work into a story. You will learn how to distil your work or research down to its essential elements and practice techniques for conveying this to a range of audiences.

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