Communicating science using traditional and social media
Why use the different media channels? To what end? What are the theoretical underpinnings of best practice, and how can it be incorporated into your strategies?
Date & time
12 Sep 2022 | 12pm - 16 Sep 2022 | 12pm
Course type
Course type
Contact us to run this course for your organisation.
Traditional and social media are not just for news and marketing. They are critical to communicate scientific ideas and facilitate discussion. They are crucial to create effective engagement with society, enhance the impact of research, and add value to partnerships. These workshops are built around three core areas:
- Why use the different media channels? To what end?
- What are the theoretical underpinnings of best practice, and how can it be incorporated into your strategies?
- Practical exercises tailored to your specific needs. This can range from identifying the ‘hook’ of your story through to how to use specific media tools for effective engagement.
Contact us to discuss how we can tailor this workshop to your organisation's needs, time frame and budget.