Improvisation tools for communicating science


This workshop uses improvisation techniques developed in the theatre to help those who need to communicate become more spontaneous, direct, personal and responsive.

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A medical workshop
Photo: Alan Alda leading a group of medical students in an improv workshop at the Alan Alda Center for Science Communication at Stony Brook University New York. Courtesy Alan Alda Center, all rights reserved.

Contact us to run this course for your organisation. 

“Improv techniques from the theatre can give scientists tools to make science more clear, vivid, and meaningful.” - Alan Alda

This workshop uses improvisation techniques developed in the theatre - as well as those developed in collaboration with the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University - to help those who need to communicate become more spontaneous, direct, personal and responsive. It aims to help connect communicators and audiences, including professional colleagues, students, and public audiences.

Contact us to discuss how we can tailor this workshop to your organisation's needs, time frame and budget.