Science communication for ANU staff & students


Today, more than ever before, scientists are required to communicate their research to industry, government, the media and the public.

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Workshop: Science communication for ANU staff & students

Today, more than ever before, scientists are required to communicate their research to industry, government, the media and the public.

The pressure comes from many sources including employers, funding bodies and policy makers, all of whom want society to obtain greater value from science.

The short courses are run over a period of two days and can accommodate up to 60 participants. Their aim is to increase your awareness of issues in science communication for scientists and to provide you with strategies for successful personal oral and written communication. The short courses are intensive and highly interactive and you will be expected to participate throughout the course. 


The short course will address:

  • presenting science to the public and your peers
  • improving your plain English writing skills to communicate complex ideas effectively.

The short course will also bring you up to date on the fast developing discipline of science communication and the techniques of knowledge sharing.

What are the benefits of attending a short course?

In return for giving up two days of your precious research time you will get:

  • a formal ANU graduate award in science communication
  • improved skills in preparing and delivering seminars and conference papers
  • skills in preparing presentations for a range of audiences
  • greater knowledge of how to present your science to the public and the media
  • improved writing skills
  • wider knowledge of audio visual considerations
  • information on the use and abuse of PowerPoint
  • understanding of the art of the conference poster
  • a peer group within your University college with whom you can interact in relation to written and spoken communication issues
  • greater knowledge of what your peers are doing in your College
  • the opportunity to approach CPAS subsequently (using CPAS as a resource) with problems and for advice. This service is provided free of charge to short course graduates

The short courses are endorsed by the ANU College of Health and Medicine and ANU College of Science, and the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science. They are seen as an important adjunct to a regular PhD. They are open to HDR students (fee paid by the department) and post doctoral students and members of staff (by arrangement).

Contact us to register!
