Boundary-spanning the knowledge and policy networks of sustainability transition: insights from the diffusion of accounting innovations

The intent in this project is to contribute to the emerging field of sustainability communication by asking ‘Who says what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect?‘ (Lasswell 1948) within this three-networks model of transition.

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Communication processes for guiding a society’s transition towards a state of sustainability can be considered as the transmission of messages within and between actors located in two knowledge networks (sustainability science, sustainability accounting) and in one policy network (sustainability governance).

The intent in this project is to contribute to the emerging field of sustainability communication by asking ‘Who says what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect?‘ (Lasswell 1948) within this three-networks model of transition. It does so through two phases: first, by using publishing opportunities provided during his candidacy from past and present memberships in knowledge networks; second by drawing his series of published and accepted papers together into a thesis document.


Principal investigator