Abstract image of a forest landscape with a person outline overlaid onto of that image, and then a final image of a globe network overlaid onto of the human head. Other side of image is blank.

Topics in Science Communication

This diverse research theme focuses on the many facets of communication in the fields of health and medicine, environment, sustainability, food, and energy. 


This diverse research theme explores focuses communication in key topic domains of science, including health, medicine, environment, sustainability, climate change, food, and energy.  

Our research investigates: 

  • How has climate communication in the public arena changed over time?
  • What are the best methods for broad, inclusive, meaningful dialogue?
  • How can ‘unconventional’ communication methods (such as art or theatre) be used to improve communication efforts?
  • What are key characteristics of successful communication enterprises?
  • What role do trust and values play in successful communication?

Photo: Unsplash. 


For more information about this project, contact the principal investigator, supervisor or cpas@anu.edu.au.

The intent in this project is to contribute to the emerging field of sustainability communication by asking ‘Who says what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect?‘ (Lasswell 1948) within this three-networks model of transition.

This project explores communication of knowledge between Indigenous knowledge holders and Western scientists where there is shared responsibility for environmental management.

The goal of the Engaging Visions Research Project was to configure a model procedure for visual artists to participate in, and/or engage with, Murray Darling Basin catchment communities to help address environmental concerns.

For more information about this project please contact cpas@anu.edu.au.


Statue of justice

When science evolves, we need better mechanisms for reviewing the legal decisions based on that science.

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