Denis B. Karcher

Denis B. Karcher
PhD Researcher
BSc Environmental science and – hydrology, MSc Marine biology

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Denis is a PhD student at CPAS, focusing on knowledge exchange around marine science and conservation. Before, he studied environmental science and - hydrology at University of Freiburg (Germany) and for his Master’s program shifted to marine biology at University of Bremen (Germany) also being a research assistant at Leibniz Centre for Marine Tropical Research. For his Master’s thesis research, Denis investigated multilevel eutrophication effects on coral reef benthic communities in the Red Sea in collaboration with the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia). He then joined the European Institute for Marine Studies in Brest (France) investigating how data can be shared more efficiently, as well as the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (France) where he focused on South Pacific fisheries management. During his research, Denis realized that most scientific output is disconnected from decision-makers, conservation practitioners and the general public. Having joined the Australian National University in 2020, Denis’ PhD project Connecting science with policy and practice: Lessons from science-policy ‘Bright Spots’ aims to empirically evaluate successful science-policy-practice transitions and generate knowledge and guidance from such positive examples.


Research interests

  • Marine science and conservation
  • Knowledge exchange
  • Science-policy connections
  • Ocean governance
  • Knowledge sociology
  • Coral reefs
  • Socio-ecological systems
  • Pro environmental behavior


Pendleton, L., Beye, H. L., Estradivari, Grose, S. O., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Karcher, D. B., Kennedy, E., Llewellyn, L., Nys, C., Shapiroa, A., Jain, R., Kuc, K., Leatherland, T., O’Hainnin, K., Olmedo, G., Seow, L., Tarsel, M. (2019) Disrupting Data Sharing for a Healthier Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Karcher, D. B., Roth, F., Carvalho, S., El-Khaled, Y. C., Tilstra, A., Kürten, B., Struck, U., Jones, B. H., Wild, C. (2020). Nitrogen eutrophication particularly promotes turf algae in coral reefs of the central Red Sea. PeerJ.

Karcher, D. B., Fache, E., Breckwoldt, A., Govan, H., Elías Ilosvay, X. E., Kon Kam King, J., Riera, L., Sabinot, C. (2020). Trends in South Pacific fisheries management. Marine Policy.

El-Khaled, Y. C., Roth, F., Tilstra, A., Rädecker, N., Karcher, D. B., Kürten, B., Jones, B., Voolstra, C., Wild, C. (2020). In situ eutrophication can stimulate dinitrogen fixation, denitrification and productivity in Red Sea coral reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 

Roth F., Karcher D.B., Carvalho S., Rädecker N., Thomson T., Saalmann F., Voolstra C.R., Kürten B., Struck U., Jones B.H., Wild C. (2020). High rates of carbon and dinitrogen fixation suggest a critical role of benthic pioneer communities in the energy and nutrient dynamics of coral reefs. Functional Ecology.

Shellock, R. J., C. Cvitanovic, N. Badullovich, D. Catto, J.A. DelBene, J. Duggan, D.B. Karcher, A. Ostwald, and P. Tuohy. (2022) Crossing disciplinary boundaries: motivations, challenges, and enablers for early career marine researchers moving from natural to social sciences. ICES Journal of Marine Science fsac218. doi: