People connected by string.

CPAS PCST 2023 Spotter's Guide

Publication date
Wednesday, 22 Mar 2023
The international Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) conference this year is in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
People sitting, standing, and talking with strings attached to them showing connections.

The programme is packed full of new research in science communication from around the world, but if you're looking to catch as many CPASians as you can, we've pulled together this handy (likely non-exhaustive) list of everywhere our researchers will be popping up.

Wednesday 12 April

Parallel Session 1

1C (Papers) Dialogue, technology and societal change
Chair: Sujatha Raman
Speakers: Katharine Legun, Cees Leeuwis, Noelle Aarts, Sophie Boerman, and Nina de Roo

1L (Roundtable) Emerging careers in science communication: Challenges and opportunities
Chairs: Mohamed Elsonbaty Ramadan & Alice Fleerackers
Speakers: Heather Doran, Siddharth Kankaria, Meghie Rodrigues, & Samantha Vilkins

Parallel Session 2

2A (Roundtable) Is it time for an International Centre for Science Communication?
Chairs: Toss Gascoigne & Jennifer Metcalfe 
Speakers: Melanie Smallman, Marta Entradas, Brooke Smith, Siddharth Kankaria, and Ionica Smeets

2C (Talk) Introducing the POPSICULE – The Science in Popular Culture and Entertainment Hub of the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science
Speaker: Anna-Sophie Jürgens 

Parallel session 3

3K (Panel) Freedom vs Science: How to Transcend the post-pandemic political divide?
Speakers: Bernard Schiele, Toss Gascoigne, and Germana Barata

Parallel session 4

4A (Linked papers) Contested ground, fertile ground, not common ground
Chair: Jennifer Metcalfe 
Speakers: Fabien Medvecky, Mark Harvey, Marie McEntee, Neihana Matamua, and Sara MacBride-Stewart


Thursday 13 April

Parallel Session 5

5A (Roundtable) Involving journalists in science engagement between communities and scientists
Speakers: Merryn McKinnon, Alette Schoon, Lutz Peschke

5C (Linked papers): Science, trust and the public good
Chair: Katharine Legun
Authors: Sujatha RamanJoan LeachDan Santos

5J (Mini-Workshop) A method for experimental futures
Speaker: Ehsan Nabavi

Parallel Session 7

7L (Roundtable) Communicating science to young people – can we do better?
Chair: Carolina Llorente
Speakers: Gema Revuelta, Julia Lorke Christian Humm, & Hannah R. Feldman

Parallel Session 8

8A (Roundtable) Queering science communication: Bringing an LGBTIQA+ lens to #scicomm theory and practice
Chair: Clare Wilkinson
Speakers: Eleanor Armstrong, John Noel Viana, & Alice Motion

8C (Roundtable) Science communication for the common good
Sujatha Raman
Speakers: Anne Dijkstra, Mohamed Elsonbaty Ramadan, & Fabien Medvecky

8D (Demo) Walking in the shoes of others: Understanding intersectionality
Speaker: Merryn McKinnon

8G (Paper) GM All Over Again? Reflecting on a Systematic Literature Review on Attitudes to the Use of New Breeding Techniques in Food
Author: Will Grant 


Friday 14 April

Parallel Session 9

9B (Roundtable) Ethical Principles for Common Ground in Science Communication Theory and Practice
Chair: Fabien Medvecky
Speakers: Joan Leach, Michiel Van Oudheusden, Laura Lindenfeld, & Hua Tian

9D (Demo) Using evidence-based pedagogies to create an effective science communication classroom
Chair: Merryn McKinnon
Speakers: Mark Sarvary & Kitty Gifford

9H (Mini-Workshop) Science communication models: a practical workshop exploring the nexus between theory and practice
Speakers: Jennifer Metcalfe & Susanna Hererra

Parallel Session 10

10C (Talk) Responsible Innovation: from research to hackathon
Speakers: Ehsan Nabavi

10G (Workshop) The ladder of power: Science communication and citizen science
Chair: Jennifer Metcalfe 
Speakers: Toss Gascoigne, Anne Leitch, & Christina Standerfer

Parallel Session 11

11G (Paper) Funny Infection: Humour and the Cultural Meanings of Contagion in Popular Entertainment
Author: Anna-Sophie Jürgens 

11J (Workshop) The kids are alright – Establishing best practice for inclusion of youth in adult-dominated science communication
Speaker: Hannah R. Feldman


If you are at the conference, be sure to attend one of the presentations, sessions, workshops, and demonstrations featuring a CPASians. Tag us on your socials as well #CPAS2023!