Understanding climate change framing in an Australian context

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of the 21st century and requires effective communication to promote positive action aimed at avoiding the adverse effects of anthropogenic climate change.

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Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of the 21st century and requires effective communication to promote positive action aimed at avoiding adverse effects.

My research will investigate the different framings of climate change in the Australian context with discrete but linking projects aimed at gaining a richer understanding of how climate change is being framed and where we can go next. Framing is a way that we help shape meaning of an issue, through emphasising different aspects of it. Research has previously focused on the effects of framing messages, and this continues to be an active area of research. 

My approach will be trying to expand this picture. I will be undertaking a mixed-methodology approach, collating large literature bodies and interacting with communicators to develop a deep and rich understanding of effective climate change framing in Australia. Framing has a lot of value to offer and, I believe, needs to be investigated through different theoretical approaches.

I will be completing my thesis by compilation (publication) and plan to steadily publish papers throughout my PhD process. You can keep up to date with those here: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=B_fwDisAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

I you have any questions about my research please don’t hesitate to email me at nicholas.badullovich@anu.edu.au or find me on Twitter @NicBadullovich 

Supervisors: Dr Will Grant (CPAS), Dr Bec Colvin (Crawford)

Advisors: Dr Chris Cvitanovic (CPAS), Dr Iain Walker (University of Canberra)




Will Grant

Associate Professor
Associate Director, Higher Degree Research & Engagement