The Scientific Revolution and its others in popular discourse

People still talk about the Scientific Revolution in popular media despite historians’ criticisms of this version of science history. Study who, how and why.

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Dr Lindy Orthia
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The Scientific Revolution concept has been challenged by historians on many grounds in recent decades, with some seeking to dismantle it altogether.

Yet it remains prominent in popular discourse about science history, philosophy and methods, and is still often the only version of science history  most people know.

This project will examine how the Scientific Revolution concept and its associated narratives are represented in public discourse about science. You will investigate who is talking about it and what they're saying. Digging deeper, you'll interrogate how Scientific Revolution discourse is used to support or oppose different ways of thinking about science, and what messages this discourse packages about science. You'll also examine popular representations of alternative narratives about science history, with a view to mapping the ideological landscape these ideas co-construct.

The project forms part of an ongoing research program examining the uses of history in science communication under lead researcher Lindy Orthia.


Successful candidates must obtain admission to a relevant HDR Program in the ANU College of Systems and Society. First class Honours (or equivalent academic qualifications) is a prerequisite for appointment.

You may apply for an Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) PhD Scholarship or similar ANU PhD scholarship of $28,092 AUD tax free (2020 rate for 3 years) if you intend to study full time. Part time applicants will also be considered.

Further information regarding eligibility for admission to a PhD program can be found on the ANU website:

More information

Interested individuals are invited to submit an expression of interest to Dr Lindy Orthia along with academic transcripts, a CV and details of any relevant experience. Promising candidates will be supported through the application process.



Senior Lecturer