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Science.Art.Film 2023 Series: I, Tonya

How can we capture the humour of this tragic and turbulent story of ambition – and is there such a thing as physical ice comedy? Enjoy the chill!

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18 May 2023 6:00pm - 18 May 2023 8:00pm
person Speaker


Dr Wesley Lim
Dr Anna-Sophie Jurgens
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$5 per person. 

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Dr Anna-Sophie Jürgens
Event Host

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Thursday, 18 May 2023 at 6:00 PM
Arc Cinema
Allocated Seating, please register in advance


I was loved for a minute, then I was hated. Then I was just a punchline.’ 

Discover the – totally true? – story of one of the most athletic and controversial female figure-skaters in the United States, Tonya Harding, and the conspiracy regarding the 1994 attack on rival skater Nancy Kerrigan.  

In conversation with an expert in screendance and figure-skating, this evening is about thepower of female bodies on ice stages, bodily humour and identity performance. 

How can we capture the humour of this tragic and turbulent story of ambition – and is theresuch a thing as physical ice comedy? Enjoy the chill!



Dr Wesley Lim is a Lecturer in German Studies at the Australian National University. His research analyses representations of, and discourses on, dance and the moving body in Germanic literature and screen from the 19th through the 21st centuries and has appeared in publications like German QuarterlyGerman Studies Review and Dance Research Journal. His first book project, Dancing with the Modernist City: Metropolitan Dance Texts around 1900,deals with interpenetrating depictions of dance and city space in modernist texts. And his latest project will be the first comprehensive study of East German figure-skating culture. 

Dr Anna-Sophie Jürgens is a Lecturer in Popular Entertainment Studies at the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science and the Head of the Popsicule – ANU’s Science in Popular Culture and Entertainment Hub. Her research explores the cultural meanings of science. 

This screening is part of the SCIENCE. ART. FILM. series presented by the National Film and Sound Archive, Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science and ANU Humanities Research Centre.


Arc Cinema, National Film and Science Archive

-35.282649739067, 149.12119642943

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Black cartoon of Kookaburra next to black letter, NFSA. Logo for the National Film and Sound Archive.
Australian Nation University Humanities Research Centre with a golden shield