Karina Judd

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After growing up in regional NSW, Karina studied environmental geology at UNSW Sydney, specialising in soil and mineral chemistry. One research project on a Bulgarian archaeology dig and a run-in with grave robbers later, Karina completed her Honours in geology showcasing soil chemistry techniques as a useful tool in identifying past tsunami. She then went on to complete her Masters at ANU in Science Communication (Outreach), travelling with the Questacon Science Circus.
Karina spent several years working professionally for Questacon and later ANU in a variety of outreach, communications and event management roles, before returning to CPAS to commence a PhD exploring how science communicators perceive, understand and apply inclusive science communication.
- What is inclusive science communication?, Principal investigator
Soucy-Humphreys J., Judd K. and Jürgens A.-S. 2023. Challenging the stereotype through humor? Comic female scientists in animated TV series for young audiences. Frontiers in Communication.7:1024602. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2022.1024602
Hee, M., Jürgens, A.-S., Fiadotava, A., Judd, K. and Feldman, H. R. 2022. Communicating urgency through humor: School Strike 4 Climate protest placards JCOM 21(05), A02. doi:10.22323/2.21050202
Judd, K. and McKinnon, M. 2021. A Systematic Map of Inclusion, Equity and Diversity in Science Communication Research: Do We Practice what We Preach?. Frontiers in Communication, 6:744365. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.744365
Graham, I. T., Judd, K., Colchester, D. M., Hager, S., Lay, A., Greig, A. 2020. The cause of colour in phillipsite-Na and phillipsite-K in basanite from Kulnura quarry, Central Coast, New South Wales. Australian Journal of Mineralogy, Volume 21 No 1, p.7-17.
Graham, I. T., Judd, K., Colchester, D. M., Hager, S., Greig, A., Lay, A. 2018. The cause of colour in thomsonite-Ca from Aranga quarry, Northland, New Zealand. Australian Journal of Mineralogy, Volume 19 No 2, p.7-13.
Graham, I. T., Colchester, D. M., Berkahn, N., Pogson, R. E., Hager, S., Carter, E., Judd, K., leGras, M., Chomiszak, G. 2018. Chemistry and Raman spectroscopy of tschernichite from the Waitakere Ranges, North Island, New Zealand. Australian Journal of Mineralogy, Volume 19 No 2, p.15-19.
Bishop-Taylor, R., Judd, K. L., Clear, L., Martin, L. 2018. ‘Surface soil survey in an archaeological context: the Kazanlak Geoscience Project’, in Ross, S., Sobotkova, A., Tzetkova, J., Connor, S. (eds.) The Tundzha Regional Archaeology Project: Surface Survey, Palaeoecology, and Associated Studies in Central and Southeast Bulgaria, 2009-2015 Final Report. Barnsley: Oxbow Books, p.51-65.
Judd, K., Chagué-Goff, C., Goff, J., Gadd, P., Zawadzki, A., Fierro, D. 2017. Multi-proxy evidence for small historical tsunamis leaving little or no sedimentary record. Marine Geology, Volume 385, p.204-215.