Dr Rod Lamberts
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Dr Rod Lamberts is Associate Director of Science and Education at the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS) at the Australian National University and a former National President of the Australian Science Communicators (retired injured in 2013).
He has more than 20 years experience as a science communication practitioner and researcher and designed and deliiered some of the first university science comunication courses in Australia. Rod has provided science communication advice to a wide variety of private and public science-related agencies in Australia and overseas (including the CSIRO, UNESCO & APPEA) and is a regular public commentator on science, science communication, and science and public policy. When not lurking at the ANU, he can be heard around the ABC radio network doing things like Research Filter and Nightlife, read in places like The Conversation, and every week on The Wholesome Show podcast.
- Vice-Chancellor's Award for Public Policy and Outreach, 2015
- ANU Top Supervisor Award 2010
- ANU Top Supervisor Award 2009
- ANU Media Award- ‘Best emerging talent’ 2010
- ANU Media Award- ‘Best leverage & engagement through a public event’ 2010
- ANU Vice Chancellors award for supervision 2009
- ANU Vice Chancellors award for a program that enhances learning 2009
- ANU Vice Chancellors award for teaching excellence 2007
- ANU College of Systems and Society teaching excellence 2006
National committees
- Conference Chair: Australian Science Communicators National conference (2012)
- Chair: research committee: Australian Science Communicators National conference (2012)
- Chair: research committee: Australian Science Communicators National conference. September 2009 - February 2010
- Chair: Expert Working Group (University Research) June – December, 2010 . A working group of the National Steering Committee on Developing an Evidence base for science engagement in Australia. Inspiring Australia
- Report - Developing an Evidence Base for Science Engagement in Australia: Expert working group recommendations (March, 2011)
- Chair: Pacific Science Association Taskforce on Science Communication. December 2007 – May, 2010.
Research interests
His professional and research interests include: science communication and public intellectualism/activism; science and ethics; perceptions of expertise in science; risk perception and communication; and science and public policy.
Research student projects
PhD Panel Chair (completed)
- McKinnon, M Science teaching self-efficacy: An examination of the effects of science centre styled professional development intervention in primary school teachers.
- Cerini, B Heroes in Science - public images, inspirations and impacts
- Donald, T Reinvigorating the deficit model: a practical case approach
- Rayner, C Communicating Organisational Outcomes using Simple Performance Indicators: A case study using ACT Elective Surgery Waiting Lists
- Smith, C Involving the Public in Prioritising Research.
- Thulstrup, H Global Approaches to Local Issues: UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme - a Multilateral Instrument for Natural Resource Management.
PhD Supervision (completed)
- Searle, S Scientists & Science Communication: An Australian Survey
- Taylor, M Longitudinal Science and Society Study: Climate Change Communication and Intersect with Policy in Australia (1987-2001)
- Gates-Stuart, E Cracking the finger codes. Fingerprints, art and science communication
- Moon, B Visualising Science: Scanning the Science Society Horizon: Using social media to monitor public discussion of science controversies
- Young, C Evaluation of artists experiences as participants in the Field Studies, art and environment program.
MPhil Supervision (completed)
- Kirk, L Science Communication Capacity Building Needs for Pacific NGOs: A response to the new strategic direction for UNESCO. Completing in 2011
MSciComm Supervision (completed)
- Anzu, S E-agriculture in Papua New Guinea
- Bell, C (2011) Using Autobiography in Science Communication Completed
- McAlester, J (2010) The use of video material in science classrooms Completed
- Harcourt, D (2009) Communicating Anti-matter with general audiences: The Centre for Matter Antimatter Studies Completed
- Williams, K (2009) Science communication in Australian agriculture; A study of communication between scientists and farmers on the issue of salinity in Harden, New South Wales
- Hammond, T.J (2008) Survey of Science Communication in Developing Pacific Island Nations
- Coulter, L (2008) Global Carbon Project communications: agents of dissemination.
- Sengere, R (2007) Communicating information to coffee farmers in Papua New Guinea.
- Mclean, M.J, (2007) What do people think about GM Pasture Grasses?: An assessment of public attitudes to a new technology developed by the Molecular Plant Breeding CRC
- Hislop, M, (2007) Evaluating the Learning Outcomes of the Science Centre Education Programs at the CSIRO Discovery Centre.
- Ratcliff, F (2007) Science meets Parliament: A study on the effectiveness of the program.
- Abbott, S (2006) Communicating Bioprospecting Information to Indigenous Communities: Insights from the Experts.
- West, M (2004) Evaluating the Pilot Pacific Science Exchange. Completed
Honours Supervision
- Jones, C (2007) An evaluation of the regulation of preimplementation genetic diagnosis in Australia Completed
- Pollari, J (2008) Using online science resources in the classroom: Development of a science website search and evaluation tool for primary school teachers. Completed
- Carter, A (2004) Evaluation of the Photonics outreach program
- Garrington, C (2005) Evaluation of Action for Autism outreach
- Engaging Visions, Principal investigator
- The mental illness information survey: exploring the mental illness communication environment in the lay community. Vol. l & 2, Principal investigator
- An evaluation of the regulation of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in Australia, Supervisor
- Are ACT primary teachers still using video in the classroom?, Supervisor
- Communicating Science: Explorations through Science and Art, Supervisor
- Communicating the sociology of safety to the Australian pipeline industry, Supervisor
- Evaluation of artists experiences as participants in the Field Studies, art and environment program, Supervisor
- Getting the point across: a study into the effects of vaccination interventions on vaccine uptake, Supervisor
- GM and drought in the Wimmera: A pilot study of public awareness of and attitudes towards GM drought-tolerant wheat and the drought in the Wimmera, Supervisor
- Heroes of Science - public images, inspirations and impacts, Supervisor
- Longitudinal science and society study: climate change communication and intersect with policy in Australia (1987-2001), Supervisor
- Making antimatter matter, Supervisor
- Models of Time Travel: a comparative study using film, Supervisor
- Public perception of coffee safety, Supervisor
- Public perceptions of animal experimentation in research, Supervisor
- Reflecting on, problematizing and critiquing ‘value’ in science communication as a discipline and a practice. , Supervisor
- Scanning the science society horizon, Supervisor
- School-Based DRR Program in Disaster Prone Areas, Supervisor
- Science communication capacity building needs for Pacific NGOs - a response to the new strategic direction for UNESCO, Supervisor
- Scientists’ communication with the general public – an Australian survey, Supervisor
- Superfood: you'll believe that food can fly!, Supervisor
- The Anthropocene in the Media, Supervisor
- The case for social media as a tool for early intervention in mental ill health, Supervisor
- The discourse concerning internet addiction among researchers and the publics, Supervisor
- The public life of numbers, Supervisor
- Visual strategies for communicating science, Supervisor
- Would plain packaging for alcohol communicate health risk factors to youth?, Supervisor
- Young Australians’ opinion of pharmacotherapy as a treatment strategy for depression, Supervisor
Peter Baume Building 42a
Lamberts, R (2018) The Australian Beliefs and Attitudes Towards Science Survey – 2018. The Australian National University. Canberra, Australia https://science.gov.au/community/Pages/National-survey-results-Australian-beliefs-and-attitudes-towards-science.aspx
Lamberts, R (2018) The Australian Beliefs and Attitudes Towards Science Survey – 2018: Data Tables. The Australian National University. Canberra, Australia https://www.industry.gov.au/data-and-publications/the-australian-beliefs-and-attitudes-towards-science-survey-2017
Rowbotham,S., McKinnon, S., Leach, J., Lamberts. R., & Hawe, P (2017) Does citizen science have the capacity to transform population health science?, Critical Public Health, 29:1,118-128, DOI: 10.1080/09581596.2017.1395393
Lamberts, R (2017) Science communication: frequently public, occasionally intellectual. Journal of Science Communication v16(1) (introduction and commentary piece as guest editor of special edition on Science Communication and Public Intellectualism) https://doi.org/10.22323/2.16010301
Lamberts, R (2017) The Australian Beliefs and Attitudes Towards Science Survey – 2017. The Australian National University. Canberra, Australia https://www.industry.gov.au/data-and-publications/the-australian-beliefs-and-attitudes-towards-science-survey-2017
Lamberts, R (2017) The Australian Beliefs and Attitudes Towards Science Survey – 2017: Data Tables. The Australian National University. Canberra, Australia https://www.industry.gov.au/data-and-publications/the-australian-beliefs-and-attitudes-towards-science-survey-2017
Lamberts, R & Rayner, C (2014) Methodological issues in assessing effective science communication practices
In Tan Wee Hin & R Subramaniam (eds.) Communicating Science to the Public: Opportunities and Challenges for the Asia-Pacific Region. Netherlands, Springer.
McKinnon, M, Orthia, L, Grant, W & Lamberts, R (2014), 'Real-world assessment as an integral component of an undergraduate science communication program', International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education (formerly CAL-laborate International), vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 1-13.
Dobos, A.R., Orthia, L.A., Lamberts, R (2014) Does a picture tell a thousand words? The uses of digitally produced, multimodal pictures for communicating information about Alzheimer’s disease. Public Understanding of Science. 24(6) pp712-730 https://doi.org/10.1177/0963662514533623
McKinnon, M., & Lamberts, R. (2013). Influencing science teaching self-efficacy beliefs of primary school teachers: a longitudinal case study. International Journal of Science Education Part B: Communication and Public Engagement. Prepublished online 16 May 2013. DOI:10.1080/21548455.2013.793432
- Lamberts, R (2012) Ethics and accountability in science and science communication, in JK. Gilbert, B. Lewenstein & SM Stocklmayer (eds.) Communication and engagement with science and technology: Issues and dilemmas. London, Routledge.
- Reid, J., Lamberts, R., Young, C and Tambiah, C (2010) Engaging Visions: Engaging artists with the community about the environment. Canberra, The Australian National University.
- Lamberts, R., Tambiah, C., Young, C., Reid, J (2010) The engaging visions guide: A practical guide for engaging visual artists in environment dialogues with rural communities. Canberra, The Australian National University.
- van Leeuwen, B., Lamberts, R., Newitt, P., & Errington, S (2009) What do ethics have to do with teaching undergraduate science courses?. Chemistry in Australia. 76(2) p.4-6 March. Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
- Lamberts, R., Grant, W.J & Martin, A (2010) Public opinion about science. ANUpoll No.8, Canberra, The Australian National University. http://www.anu.edu.au/anupoll/content/publications/report/public_opinion_about_science/
- van Leeuwen, B., Newitt, P., Lamberts, R. & Errington, S (2007) Ethics, issues and consequences: conceptual challenges in science education. Proceedings of the Assessment in Science Teaching and Learning Symposium September 28 & 29, 2007, The University of Sydney, ISBN: 978-1-74210-005-0. (refereed) http://science.uniserve.edu.au/pubs/procs/2007/
- van Leeuwen, B.H, Lamberts, R. and C.L. Jones (2008) Public awareness and regulation of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in Australia. RBMonline 16, suppl. 3, April (Proceedings of 8th International Symposium Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis).
- Lamberts, R (2002) The Seductive Statistician, or: how controversy sells books. Book Review of “The Skeptical Environmentalist” by Bjorn Lomborg. 13/5/2002 The Australian Review of Public Affairs - http://www.australianreview.net/digest/2002/05/lamberts.html
- Lamberts, R (2003) Review of “Sharing Knowledge: A guide to effective science communication” by Julian Cribb and Tjempaka Sari Hartomo. ANU Reporter, 2003.
Opinion and comment piece, popular articles
IGetting the Message Across: Reporting on Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific: A Handbook for Journalists
UNESCO SERIES ON JOURNALISM EDUCATION United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France and UNESCO Office in Jakarta © UNESCO 2018
Lamberts, R (2017) Science is important but moves too fast: five charts on how Australians view science and scientists August 22, 2017
Lamberts Distrust of experts happens when we forget they are human beings The Conversation May 12, 2017
Reprint - Chemistry in Australia (November) -
http://chemaust.raci.org.au/sites/default/files/pdf/2017/CiA_Nov%202017.pdfLamberts (2017) 3-1-2017 “Why don’t people get it? Seven ways that communicating risk can fail” https://theconversation.com/why-dont-people-get-it-seven-ways-that-commu...
Lamberts & Grant (2016) A pub brawl over research funding doesn’t benefit any of us August 23 https://theconversation.com/a-pub-brawl-over-research-funding-doesnt-benefit-any-of-us-64290
Lamberts, R (2016) Ban new wind turbines? Not if the bar for declaring them safe is impossibly high. The Conversation, March 29.
Grant, W & Lamberts, R (2016) Alan Alda on the art of science communication: ‘I want to tell you a story’ The Conversation, March 9.
Lamberts, R (2016) Should scientists engage with pseudo-science or anti-science. The Conversation, February 25.
Lamberts, R (2015) Measuring the value of science: it’s not always about the money. The Conversation, April 16.
Grant, W & Lamberts, R (2014) Twelve ways to deal with a climate change denier – the BBQ guide. The Conversation, December 22
Grant, W & Lamberts, R (2014) The 10 stuff-ups we all make when interpreting research. The Conversation, October 3
Lamberts, R (2014) Speak out, climate experts – but stop making tactical mistakes. The Conversation, August 22.
Lamberts, R & Grant, WJ (2014) What about science in the Commission of Audit report? The Conversation May 1.
Lamberts, R (2014) Facts won’t beat the climate deniers – using their tactics will. The Conversation March 14.
Lamberts, R (2013) To change anti-science activists' minds, go beyond science. The Conversation September 25.
Lamberts, R & Grant, WJ (2013) An invisible, odourless, weightless science minister for Australia. The Conversation September 17.
Lamberts, R (2013) Guess who defines ‘waste’ in ARC-funded research. The Conversation September 5
Lamberts, R & Grant, W.J (2012) Online education at the coalface: what academics need to know. The Conversation October 18
Lamberts, R (2012) Science in crisis? Go on then, prove it. The Conversation July 26
Lamberts, R & Grant, W.J (2012) Australian R&D measures up globally … but what does that really mean? The Conversation May 17
Lamberts, R (2011) Australia in space: what’s our policy? The Conversation, December 15.
Lamberts, R & Franzen, R (2011) Australia in space: letting others watch us … but at what cost? The Conversation, December 14.
Lamberts, R & Franzen, R (2011) Australia in space: looking out and looking in. The Conversation, December 13.
Grant, W.J and Lamberts, R (2011) Scientists and politician – the same but different? The Conversation, November 18.
- Grant, W.J and Lamberts, R (2011) Who’s afraid of big, bad coal? Al Gore’s ‘climate reality’ is a pointless fairytale. The Conversation, July 19. http://theconversation.edu.au/whos-afraid-of-big-bad-coal-al-gores-climate-reality-is-a-pointless-fairytale-2336
- Lamberts, R (2011) Ian Chubb: ‘This is not the office of the chief climate change scientist’. The Conversation. June 24. http://theconversation.edu.au/ian-chubb-this-is-not-the-office-of-the-chief-climate-change-scientist-1982
- Lamberts, R (2011) Hey, Dick Smith: if carbon Cate can take Murdoch’s ‘lies’ then surely you can too. The Conversation. June 1. http://theconversation.edu.au/hey-dick-smith-if-carbon-cate-can-take-murdochs-lies-then-surely-you-can-too-1609
- Grant, W.J and Lamberts, R (2011) Don't preach to the converted on the carbon tax: it’s the money vote that matters. The Conversation. May 26. http://theconversation.edu.au/dont-preach-to-the-converted-on-carbon-tax-its-the-money-vote-that-matters-1472
- REPRINTED by ABC Environment online, May 30, 2011 http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/2720308.html
- Lamberts, R & Grant, W.J (2011) Brand science is dead and it’s time to break up the company. The Conversation, May 18. http://theconversation.edu.au/brand-science-is-dead-and-its-time-to-break-up-the-company-991
- REPRINTED by ABC online on The Drum, May 19, 2011 http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/2720308.html
- Lamberts, R (2011) Undervalued, underfunded, undermined… how science fared in the budget. The Conversation, May 12. http://theconversation.edu.au/undervalued-underfunded-undermined-how-science-fared-in-the-budget-1214
- Lamberts, R & Tambiah, C (2011) Art and science: make love not war. The Conversation, April 29. http://theconversation.edu.au/art-and-science-make-love-not-war-1003
- Grant, WJ & Lamberts, R (2011) Chubb will be a chief scientist hard to ignore. ABC Online: The Drum, April 20. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/57036.html.
- Lamberts, R & Grant, W.J (2011) Gentleman’s rules are out scientists: it’s time to unleash the beast. The Conversation, April 8. http://theconversation.edu.au/gentlemens-rules-are-out-scientists-its-time-to-unleash-the-beast-729
- Lamberts, R & Grant, W.J (2011)The government’s war on science: deliberate attack, or abuse by neglect? The Conversation, March 30. http://theconversation.edu.au/the-governments-war-on-science-deliberate-attack-or-abuse-by-neglect-208
- Lamberts, R & Grant, W.J (2010) Opinion: Science needs open access. The Canberra Times, April 16, p19
- Lamberts, R (2006) The words are familiar, but what do you mean? Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau. November, p18. Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - jargon and confusion in common language]
- Lamberts, R (2005) Back to basics… .Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau. November, p18. Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - importance of seeing larger Pacific problems as multi-dimensional/disciplinary]
- Lamberts, R (2005) Choice and inevitability Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau, September/October, p18. Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - the difference between the inevitable and the optional. Focus on climate change example]
- Lamberts, R (2005)Science and religion: different traditions, equal value?. Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau, July/August, p18 Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - areas of convergence & divergence between religion and science in everyday life]
- Lamberts, R (2005) Education equals motivation – or does it? Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau, May/June, p22. Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - the difference between knowing and doing, and public motivation to act on scientific information]
- Lamberts, R (2005)Are you involved in science in the Pacific? Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau, April, p18. Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - practical aspects of communicating science in the Pacific Islands and awareness raising of an online initiative I was piloting as a UNESCO consultancy]
- Lamberts, R (2005)Science and Communication: Saying I Do. Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau, March, p18. Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - informed consent in medical interactions]
- Lamberts, R (2004)The subtle currents of the rumour mill. Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau, November, p16-17. Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - assessing sources of information]
- Lamberts, R (2004) Shortcuts, beliefs and the best source in the world. Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau, September, p16-17. Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - questioning where people get their beliefs and information and bases for their assertions of facts]
- Lamberts, R (2004)Today’s changes or tomorrow’s dangers. Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau, August , p16-17. Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - conflicting temporal and geographic imperatives for climate change action]
- Lamberts, R (2004) Culture, networks and science. Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau, July, p17. Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - encouraging Pacific science-related people to speak-up and to use a UNESCO-consultancy online science communication facility]
- Lamberts, R (2003)Science is for everybody. Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau, September, p20-21. Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - why scientists and non-scientists might find it hard to communicate and how it might be facilitated]
- Lamberts, R (2003) Science and communication: the science communicator. Tapu: The magazine for the Samoas, Niue and Tokelau, June, p20-21. Apia, Coral Sands. ISSN:1176-6360 [article focus - what is science communication]
Previous grants
Title: Engaging Visions: Configuring a model for cultural practitioners to assist catchment communities in addressing natural resource management issues.
Type: ARC Linkage (2006-2011)
Partners: CPAS, ANU School of Art & the Murray-Darling Basin Authority
Conferences appearances
- Workshop Convener Evaluating science communication (June, 2011) 22nd Pacific Science Congress. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Invited panelist Developing an evidence base for science engagement (April, 2011) Inspiring Australia: inaugural conference. Melbourne, Australia
- Communicating Risk The Australian Science Communicators National Conference (February, 2010) Canberra, Australia
- Science and art: in each others shoes, in each others faces The Australian Science Communicators National Conference(February, 2010) Canberra, Australia
- Science communication & Challenges for Veterinary Medicine in Australia (April, 2010) The Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority – Current and future challenges. Canberra, Australia
- Strategies for knowledge translation and communication (November 2009) Australian Association of Gerontology. Canberra, Australia
- Public lecture Why science is failing to communicate (August, 2009) Australian Skeptics Science Week Lecture. Canberra, Australia
- Communicating climate change and other controversial topics. (July, 2008) Public Communication of Science & Technology – Biennial Conference. Malmo, Sweden.
- Engaging Visions: Science communication, art and natural resource management in Australia’s Murray-Darling River Basin (July, 2008) Public Communication of Science & Technology Biennial Conference. Malmo, Sweden.
- An Introduction to Framing. (July, 2008) Public Communication of Science & Technology Biennial Conference. Malmo, Sweden.
- Science communication and science journalism in the Pacific (May, 2008) Workshop on the UNESCO Model Curricula for Journalism Education for Developing Countries.Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
- Engaging Visions: community, art, environment. (September, 2007) 10th International River Symposium. Brisbane, Australia.
- Science & Technology Policy in the Pacific Islands: A Science Communication Perspective (June, 2007) in “Strengthening Linkages between Science and Policy” session hosted by the United Nations University – Institute for Advanced Studies. 21st Pacific Science Congress. Okinawa, Japan.
- Science communication in the Pacific.(June 2007) 21st Pacific Science Congress. Okinawa, Japan.
- Science communication overview. (June, 2007) 21st Pacific Science Congress. Okinawa, Japan.
- The Pacific Science Gateway: PacSci.Net. (June, 2007) 21st Pacific Science Congress. Okinawa, Japan.
- Science and technology policy in the Pacific. (September, 2006) Pacific Islands Applied Geosciences Commission (SOPAC), Science and Technology Resources network (STAR) annual session. Honiara, Solomon Islands.
- PacSciNet – the Pacific Science Gateway (September, 2006) Pacific Islands Applied Geosciences Commission (SOPAC), Science and Technology Resources network (STAR) annual session. Honiara, Solomon Islands.
- Science Communication for Scientists (June, 2005) Public Communication of Science & Technology Working Symposium,. Beijing, China.
- Science communication and social change(September, 2004) The Australian Science Communicators/ Australian Medical Writers Association conference. Coolangatta, Australia.
- Maximising social participation in science communication: Some lessons from anthropology and psychology(June, 2004) Public Communication of Science & Technology Biennial Conference. Barcelona, Spain.
- Promoting Science Awareness in the Pacific: The creation of the Pacific Science Communication Network (December, 2002) Public Communication of Science & Technology Biennial Conference. Cape Town, South Africa.
- Environmental journalism & working with scientists (May, 2002) The Pacific Environment Information Network program for Pacific environmental journalists. Apia, Samoa.
- Workshop Science communication: the basics (August, 2001) Pacific Regional Science Communication Forum. A joint initiative of CPAS and UNESCO. Apia, Samoa.
- Workshop Science communication: the basics (February, 2001) Science Communication for Small Island States workshop on Science Communication for Pacific Island journalists. A joint initiative of CPAS, UNESCO, & COSTED. Canberra, Australia.
- How Many Publics? Science communication and lay impressions of mental illness expertise in Australia. (January, 2001) Public Communication of Science & Technology. Geneva, Switzerland.
- The Communication of Mental Illness Information to the Public: Lay Source Preferences and Professional Expectations (July, 1999) 19th Pacific Science Congress, July, 1999. Sydney, Australia.
- Implementing Learning Strategies and Enhancing Learning Outcomes: The Role of Experiential Learning.( December, 1995) 7th Annual Convention and Conference of the Australasian Association of Engineering Education. Sydney, Australia.
Expert commentary in media 2009-2011
Date May 21, 2011
Medium Television
Outlet ABC News 24
Details ABC Science panel program on Café Scientifique:“Twitter, blogs and talkback: the psychology of having your say”.
Date April 11, 2011
Medium Newspaper
Outlet Sydney Morning Herald
Details Comment on federal budget and science funding (Giant hole sets up savage budget).
Date April 11, 2011
Medium Radio
Outlet ABC Radio National/ ABC 666 Canberra
Details Comment on proposed Federal budget funding cuts to medical research budget
Date April 11, 2011
Medium Radio
Outlet ABC Radio Darwin
Details Comment on proposed Federal budget funding cuts to medical research budget
Date May 7, 2011
Medium Radio
Outlet Radio Australia
Details Interview on public impressions of climate change and the carbon tax debate
Date April 27, 2011
Medium Radio
Outlet ABC612 (Brisbane drive time)
Details Interview about public use of social media, particularly on critical science matters like climate change
Date November 25, 2010
Medium Radio
Outlet ABC Radio South East NSW, “World View” segment
Details Conversation on science, research and Relevance to society
Date August 10, 2010
Medium Newspaper
Outlet The Canberra Times
Details Interview on the broader state of science in society in context of National Science Week
Date April 8, 2011
Medium Electronic/ print
Outlet Education Review
Details Interview about budget cuts to science education