Dr Christiane Gerblinger

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After completing a PhD on science and regeneration in Gothic science fiction in 2000, Christiane worked in a range of public sector advisory roles related to economic, social, environmental and security policy, as well as communication and speechwriting in a handful of departments in the Australian Public Service. Her last stint as a speechwriter in the Treasury portfolio in 2017 led to her being awarded a Sir Roland Wilson scholarship to undertake a second PhD on the language of rejected or ignored policy advice. Her thesis was nominated for the ANU’s JG Crawford Prize, and she graduated in 2021. Christiane continues to work across the public sector and is currently a CPAS Visiting Fellow, with a particular interest in how expert knowledge is – or isn’t – communicated.
- The Language of the Rebuffed: A Critical Appraisal of how Policy Advisers Communicate, Principal investigator
Peter Baume Building 42A
- “Knowing What Not to Know: Unravelling the Dynamics of Selective Knowledge in Government Policymaking”, 24 August 2024, Australian Journal of Public Administration
- “Peep show: a framework for watching how evidence is communicated inside policy organisations”, Volume 19, Issue 1, 2023, Evidence and Policy
- How Government Experts Self-Sabotage: The Language of the Rebuffed, ANU Press, 2022
- “Waiting for Advice that is beyond Doubt: Uncertainty as Australia’s Reason to join the Invasion of Iraq”, Volume 37, Issue 1, 2022, Intelligence and National Security
- “James Whale’s Frankensteins: Re-animating the Great War”, January 2011, CineAction
- “'Fiery the Angels Fell': America, Autonomy and Ridley Scott's Blade Runner”, July 2002, Australasian Journal of American Studies
Other public outputs
- “The many reviews of the public service miss one vital problem – the language used to communicate ideas”, The Conversation, 26 September 2023
- “How Government Experts Self-Sabotage”, Work with Purpose: A podcast about the Australian Public Service (episode 82), Institute of Public Administration Australia, 24 April 2023
- “The Rhetoric of Economists with Dr Christiane Gerblinger”, The Masked Economist Podcast, Department of Finance, 15 March 2023
- “Asking for rejection: the meaning(lessness) of expert advice”, ANU Reporter, 8 February 2023
- “Christiane Gerblinger on how experts self-sabotage”, Science for Policy Podcast, Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA), 16 January 2023
- “Breaking the fourth wall: evidence communication inside policy organisations”, Evidence & Policy Blog, 16 March 2022
- “Are experts complicit in making their advice easy for politicians to ignore?”, London School of Economics Impact Blog, April 2021
- “The Language of the Rebuffed: How Policy Advisers Communicate their Expertise”, Science and Democracy Network 2019, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
- Submission to the Independent Review of the Australian Public Service, 2018
PhD Theses
- The Language of the Rebuffed: A Critical Appraisal of how Policy Advisers Communicate (PhD thesis), 2021
- Primal Future: Science and Regeneration in Gothic Science Fiction (PhD thesis), 2000