Dr Bobby Cerini

PhD Graduate
BSc, Grad Dip (Science Communication), PhD

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An experienced science communication leader, practitioner, consultant and award-winning film-maker. Ms Cerini's PhD research at ANU examined the impact and influence of contemporary science heroes and investigated their whole of life engagement with science. As part of this research, she recorded interviews across the UK, USA and Australia with 100 of the world’s top scientists and communicators.

Bobby holds a Bachelor of Science degree and Graduate Diploma in Science Communication, and is a previous recipient of a Melbourne University Alumni Award (1995), a British Council Chevening Scholarship (1998) and a Scinema Award (2008).

Since 1998, she has been responsible for creating and leading science engagement initiatives for a wide variety of organisations and audiences in the UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. 



Research interests

PhD project: Heroes of Science - image, inspiration and impacts

This research project is concerned with the social construction of science heroes and their relationships with the public. It seeks to characterise the roles and experiences of contemporary science heroes, with a view to informing international efforts to inspire, recruit and retain future generations of scientists.

Additional research interests

Public engagement with emerging science and technology through the use of storytelling, new media and social networks; interactive and informal learning; the use of theatre as a communication tool for science; and the role of family in STEM engagement.