Amy Dobos

Former SCOM3003 researcher
BSc (Sci Com)
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Amy Dobos completed her Bachelor of Science (Science Communication) in 2012.
She is currently the Science Communication and Events Officer at the Institute for Applied Ecology, the University of Canberra.
Journal papers
- Dobos, A.R., Orthia, L.A. & Lamberts, R. (2014) Does a picture tell a thousand words? The uses of digitally produced, multimodal pictures for communicating information about Alzheimer’s disease. Public Understanding of Science. Prepublished online 27 May 2014. doi: 10.1177/0963662514533623.
- Orthia L.A., Dobos A.R., Guy T., Kan S.Z., Keys S.E., Nekvapil S. & Ngu D.H.Y. (2012) How do people think about the science they encounter in fiction? Science students investigate using The Simpsons. International Journal of Science Education Part B 2: 149-174.