Talking about public good for the second quantum revolution

Publication date
Monday, 9 Nov 2020

The 'second quantum revolution' has been the subject of substantial speculation, investment by public and private sectors, and media hype.

In her PhD thesis, Dr Tara Roberson looked at how national strategies for quantum imagine a quantum technology-future and how hype worked to create support for that future.

In this paper, Dr Roberson and co-authors Associate Professor Sujatha Raman and Professor Joan Leach took that analysis further and asked: How can we ensure these technologies benefit the societies they are used in and are a part of?

To clarify this question, they develop a public good test for technological research requiring diversity in research agendas, social orders, and research-society networks. 

They then examine what this means for quantum research. The quantum community can play a role here by developing alternative narratives and creating dialogue on a range of public good outcomes.

Read the full article in Quantum Science and Technologyor a Twitter summary from Dr Roberson

Contact A/Prof Sujatha Raman for further information on CPAS' research program on science communication and public good.