Science Circus Myanmar

Publication date
Thursday, 13 Dec 2018





"Inspiring the young faces of #Myanmar to enjoy science in everyday life with our #scicomm team at the University of Yangon and @ANU_CPAS" - Michelle Foster

Dr Graham Walker along with two Master of Science Communication Outreach students Joe Fayle and Michelle have just finished up the Science Circus Myanmar, where they performed in front of school groups with the University of Yangon team at the UY Science Fair.

"Love a bit of bi-lingual cross-cultural #scicomm action, as did the students! Putting training in practice with @ANU_CPAS #sciencecircus #Myanmar. Brilliant effort by the University of Yangon and @ourANU team!" - Dr Graham Walker


"Energising day of training and sharing with the team from the University of Yangon UY Science Fair. And a treat to have two ANU Centre for the Public Awareness of Science CPAS students on the team! Thanks to the Science at ANUANU Myanmar Research Centre and CPAS for teaming up to make this happen :)" - Dr Graham Walker 

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