Cover photo with goal and white text, "Meet the team" with a white logo of CPAS.

New researcher joining CPAS

Publication date
Tuesday, 25 Apr 2023
Welcome to the team Dr Laura Dawes text with a small headshot of a woman overlaid over a larger image of a university campus glass building.

The Centre for the Public Awareness of Science welcomes Dr Laura Dawes to our research team!  

Dr Dawes is an award-winning historian, author and broadcaster! She holds a PhD from Harvard University in History of Science, a Masters degree with distinction from Oxford University and a Bachelors degree with first class Honours from Murdoch University in Western Australia where she also won the University Medal. Furthermore, she is studying for a Juris Doctor from ANU Law School! 

Dawes says “It’s very special to join CPAS and be surrounded by colleagues and students who love working on the same things I love working on - science communication."  

"We are delighted that Laura is joining us—she brings a wealth of academic and professional knowledge of the media after working as a highly sought-after producer of radio (ABC) and documentary (Wild Bear). Her academic work in history of science will also add to our expertise at CPAS," states Professor Joan Leach, the Centre Director.   

Dawes is particularly interested in the intersectionality of science and medicine, public policy, and law. She currently investigates the connection between sun and skin cancer, and public communication efforts in 20th and 21st century Australia. With the hope to publish a third book, “A Sunburnt Country’.”  

Prior to joining CPAS, Dawes worked as a broadcaster for the ABC Radio Canberra. There, she produced radio programs like Breakfast, Mornings and Drive and national programming like the Australian of the Year awards. She also trained presenters and producers in how to prepare and deliver a radio program.

"The ABC was a great experience in identifying timely topics, crafting a story, and delivering it in an informative and engaging way. These are skills that are directly relevant to the work we do on the theory and practice of science communication at CPAS," says Dawes.

Laura also worked as a freelance researcher and writer, including making TV documentaries with Wildbear Entertainment. In academia, she has worked at Oxford, Harvard, and Cambridge.  


For more information about Dr. Dawes: 

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