Can better science communication help counter pseudo-science?

Publication date
Wednesday, 13 Nov 2019

The internet is awash with pseudo-science, often spread by people with little, or no, knowledge of science. Can improved science communication help to debunk bogus science?

How has 25 years of science communication created new relationships between scientific research, the societies that support this research, and the cultures in which is it embedded? 

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of Australian Science Communicators, Paul Barclay from ABC Radio National's Big Ideas was joined by CPAS Director Professor Joan Leach, Copenhagen's Professor Maja Horst and Eureka-winner Dr Darren Saunders for a lively discussion on these and other challenges of science communication. 

Listen now on the ABC RN website. 

Clockwise: Toss Gascoigne, Professor Joan Leach, Paul Barclay, Dr Darren Saunders, Lisa Bailey, Professor Maja Horst

Recorded at the Shine Dome in Canberra on October 25, 2019 and supported by EQUS - An ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems, the Australian Academy of Science, and the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science at the ANU.


Professor Joan Leach - Director, Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, ANU

Maja Horst - Professor of media, cognition and communication, University of Copenhagen

Darren Saunders - cancer biologist; Associate Professor, School of Medical Sciences, UNSW