Kei Kano: Inclusive Public Engagement and STEAM Education
One of the important questions for inclusive public engagement in STI policy and STEAM education is “Who to whom, and how.”
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Inclusiveness is one of the most important aspects for SDGs. Science, technology and innovation (STI) is expected as one of the tools to achieve SDGs. Inclusive public engagement and STEAM education could play an important role for such STI for SDGs.
One of the important questions for inclusive public engagement in STI policy and STEAM education is “Who to whom, and how.” First of all, key players would be industry, broadcasting companies, officers and scientists. Second, key audiences would be women, young children, different interest in science and technology groups, and scientists. Finally, key methods should be developed on the basis of researches. One of the research topics could be removing stereotype threat, fostering scientific mindset, evaluating scientific, mathematical and reading literacies, taking needs of the unengaged, and dialogue skills training for scientists. I would like to introduce our R&Ds on these topics such as a cross-curricular computer adaptive tests (CAT) assessing scientific, mathematical and reading literacies, science workshops using TV shows on scientific method and viewpoint, dialogue skills training program for early-career scientists, and inclusive public engagement activities called interactive public comment.
Kei KANO, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Faculty of Education, Shiga University, the Director general of Social Dialogue Skills Laboratory (non-profit organization), and the Director of NISSAN Global Foundation.
He was an associate professor at the Science Communication Group, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), Kyoto University. He holds a B.S. in Biophysics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, and both M.S. and Ph.D. in Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University.
Dr. Kano’s research interests surround the evaluation of science communication / education activities and inclusive public engagement in science, technology and innovation policy. He has won awards such as the “Science Education on Scientific Viewpoint, Prize for Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan” (2017). His co-authored papers include How science, technology and innovation can be placed in broader visions — Public opinions from inclusive public engagement activities (2019), and A large-scale longitudinal survey of participation in scientific events with a focus on students' learning motivation for science: Antecedents and consequences (2017)
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