Rod Lamberts: Science communication - frequently public, occasionally intellectual

Publication date
Saturday, 1 Apr 2017

The first issue of JCOM for 2017 has just hit the e-waves and features a set of commentaries exploring science communication and its relationship with public intellectualism coordinated by CPAS Vice-Captain, Dr Rod Lamberts.

Rod wrangled an eclectic group of authors to contribute to this set of commentaries, all in the spirit of taking a multi-perspective look at the role of science communication in these increasingly ‘factually intriguing’ times.

Rod is a strong proponent of scientists and science communicators getting involved in the big challenges of our day.

“Basically, I am an advocate for advocacy," he said. "I think we should be encouraging and supporting those among our colleagues who are motivated, and equipped, to step up and make some noise where its warranted.

"By having a look at how science communication and public intellectualism do (and often do not) intersect, I’m hoping this series of commentaries will contribute to a larger and ongoing conversation about our increasingly important role not just in science matters, but bigger social and political issues as well.”

As JCOM editor Dr Emma Weitkamp noted in her Editorial, "The commentaries explore the role of academics in public debates, both as bringers of facts and passion. These pieces, together with past commentaries and letters to JCOM raise interesting questions about the role of academics in public debates that are, perhaps not those usually trodden in the academic literature."

Download Rod's introduction to the special issue, entitled "Science communication: frequently public, occasionally intellectual".